Elbie at Trig dot Net

Mon, 15 Nov 2004

Sunny Atlanta

Alright. I'm nicely entrenched in the Conference Level of the Hotel where I'll be spending the next week of my life: The Usenix LISA conference. I'm sitting at a table with seven people, and four laptops, at 9:15ish in the evening. We're chatting away happily about various topics; some geeky, and some not.

The trip here was relatively painless for me. Despite having to get up ungodly early. Flights for me have typically been fraught with peril. Or at the very least, extensive delays. This time, however, despite the increases in security, I whisked through customs and security with a minimum of fuss.

I miss home already. I've been to an all day talk, and had a yummy southwest-style lunch. It's all good and fun, but I'm tired. I didn't really say goodbye to my kitties.

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